Patriot Day Banner to be Displayed at Salem's Civic Center

The banner, otherwise known as the Flag of Honor, is created from the names of those who perished in the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Patriot Day Banner to be Displayed at Salem's Civic Center - Source: City of Salem
Patriot Day Banner to be Displayed at Salem's Civic Center - Source: City of Salem
September 6, 2014, 10:39 pm

— As part of a multi-year exchange program with the U.S. Navy, the City of Salem will be displaying a Patriot Day Banner at the Salem Civic Center for three days from September 10 - 12, 2014.

The banner, otherwise known as the Flag of Honor, is created from the names of those who perished in the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The 20' by 30' banner was presented to the City of Salem at the September 9, 2013 Salem City Council meeting by Lieutenant Kelsey from the USS John C. Stennis, which is a Nimitz-class aircraft supercarrier whose home port is Bremerton, Washington. Following the presentation, the City of Salem displayed the banner at the Civic Center as part of the 2013 Patriot Day remembrance.

On Wednesday, September 10, through Friday, September 12, the banner display will be visible and open to the public in the atrium area of the Vern Miller Civic Center, located at 555 Liberty Street SE, in Salem, Oregon.

After this year's display, the banner will be returned to the USS John C. Stennis to be flown onboard ship during active service. During its time aboard ship, the banner will be signed by the men and women serving on the carrier and then will be returned to the City of Salem prior to the 15th anniversary of 9/11 in 2016 for permanent care.

The banner was purchased in 2013 with generous donations from Kelly Broomall of Gresham, Oregon and the Patriot Day Field of Flags Committee.

Source: City of Salem


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