The Award Will be Presented to the City at a Pendleton Banquet
(SALEM, Ore) — The American Public Works Association Oregon Chapter recently selected Salem's Peter Courtney Minto Island Bridge for the 2017 Project of the Year in the Structures Category for 5 million dollar to 25 million dollar projects.
The new bicycle and pedestrian bridge opened in Aug. 2017 and links Downtown Salem to Minto Island and more than 20 miles of off-street trails, as well as 1,400 acres of parks and natural areas.
The bridge was a long term Salem City Council vision and was made possible with funding from the Friends of Two Bridges,
Oregon Department of Transportation, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Business Oregon, Salem Keizer Area Transportation Study, and Salem's Urban Renewal Agency Board.
The award will be presented to the City of Salem, OBEC Consulting Engineers, and Legacy Contracting at the APWA banquet on Oct. 19 in Pendleton.