The City of Salem says it switched to backup groundwater and reservoirs for drinking water following the large gasoline spill into the North Santiam River Friday night. Water in Salem remains safe to drink thanks to these backup systems.
The City of Salem announced that an overflow of raw sewage occurred today at approximately 11:00 AM. City officials said any bacteria that entered the site should be flushed out of the water body in the next few days. They did not say where it will flush to.
A new Coastal Playground license plate featuring a gray whale and her calf likely could be available to Oregon drivers as soon as summer 2017.
High levels of algae toxin detected at the Detroit Reservoir prompted the Oregon Health Authority on May 15 to issue a warning to avoid its waters. The warning was lifted the following week, but the incident served as a reminder that the North Santiam River and its tributaries can sometimes hold blue-green algae toxins.
Parents with children at home should use ventilation when cooking with a gas stove, researchers from Oregon State University are recommending, after a new study showed an association between gas kitchen stove ventilation and asthma, asthma symptoms and chronic bronchitis.
Mothers who live in neighborhoods with plenty of grass, trees or other green vegetation are more likely to deliver at full term and their babies are born at higher weights, compared to mothers who live in urban areas that aren’t as green, a new study shows.
The annual mean temperature in the Pacific Northwest has warmed by about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit since the early 20th century – a gradual warming trend that has been accelerating over the past 3-4 decades and is attributed to anthropogenic, or human, causes.