Five People, Pets Saved from Beaverton Apartment Complex Fire

Two dogs and several reptiles were also safely evacuated.

Photo Courtesy: Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue
Photo Courtesy: Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue
September 5, 2014, 8:58 pm

— A frantic woman called 9-1-1 just after 3:40 p.m. Friday afternoon reporting that she was trapped in her apartment located at 4725 SW 139th in Beaverton as it filled with smoke.

While she opened a window to breathe fresh air, she stayed on the line with an emergency dispatcher who let her know firefighters were on their way. Dispatchers fielded additional calls from tenants and people in the area.

Less than four minutes later, she was safely in the arms of a firefighter from Beaverton Station 67 who rescued her by throwing a ladder to her third-story apartment after discovering that the primary means of egress through the hallway was blocked by smoke and flames.

Firefighters then rescued four more people on the front and back sides of the building from third floor apartment units, bringing them down ladders.

Two dogs and several reptiles were also safely evacuated.

All five patients were evaluated and treated at the scene by TVF&R and Metro West paramedics.

The Incident Commander called for a second alarm, bringing additional firefighters and resources to the scene.

Firefighters knocked down the fire within twenty minutes and continued to mop up hot spots and salvage belongings for hours.

Farmington Road was shut down for most of the afternoon to accommodate all the emergency vehicles that responded during the fire; more than 40 firefighters responded.

Beaverton Police also provided assistance with traffic control.

The American Red Cross will be helping displaced residents with lodging, and other needs since 12 apartment units are uninhabitable as a result of this fire.

Fire investigators are on scene, and will work to determine where and how the fire started.

There are no damage estimates available at this time.

Source: Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue

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