Marion County Most Wanted - August 2017
August 27, 2017, 1:30 pm
(SALEM, Ore.) — The Parole and Probation Division endeavors to use every tool available to them to provide effective supervision of the approximately 3,400 offenders under supervision in Marion County.
Of those, 1,000 are on limited supervision through the Limited Supervision Unit.
The current average caseload size for their 34 case-carrying parole and probation officers is 50:1.
Parole and probation deputies attempt to provide the highest level of supervision to offenders who present the greatest risk to the community.
A variety of statutory, policy and contractual mandates have to be satisfied, such as, sex offender notification, management of offenders sentenced to one year or less in local jails, transitional pre-release assessment and planning, hearings, and pre-sentence investigations.
There are also a number of community partnerships such as the Transitional Housing and “One-Stop” Program, Victims Services, Community Restoration, Street Crimes Unit, Drug Court, and Mental Health Court.
The field supervision caseload is divided and organized into geographic regions within the county, facilitating community partnerships, familiarity with the community, and effective community policing.
There are specialized caseloads for sex offenders, gang offenders and domestic violence cases.
When an offender fails to comply with the conditions of their parole or probation, they may end up with a warrant for their arrest.
These are Marion Counties wanted offenders.
Please contact your local law enforcement agency if you see one of these people.
Meyers, Anthony Christopher
WANTED: Meyers, Anthony Christopher
Date of birth: 11/13/1985
Height: 6'
Weight: 170
State ID #: 15817790
Sex: Male
Race: White
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Street alias:
Charges: Theft I, Felon in Possession of a Firearm, Forgery I, Attempt to Elude Police
Additional: TAT Back, TAT Righ Arm, TAT Left Arm, Pierced Ears
McNamee, Keith Allen
WANTED: McNamee, Keith Allen
Date of birth: 7/12/1969
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 210
State ID #: 8756295
Sex: Male
Race: White
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Street alias:
Charges: Possess Meth, Driving Under Influence Intox
Gipson, Sir Diamond Damien B K
WANTED: Gipson, Sir Diamond Damien B K
Date of birth: 6/30/1994
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150
State ID #: 17631747
Sex: Male
Race: African American/Black
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Street alias:
Charges: Assault IV
Additional: TAT BACK, Yin and Yang; TAT LEFT SHOULDER, Chinese Writing
Pressley, Jessey Jr.
WANTED: Pressley, Jessey Jr.
Date of birth: 12/21/1965
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 205
State ID #: 6540182
Sex: Male
Race: African American/Black
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Street alias: Mr. Mack Daddy, Mr. Alibaba
Charges: Burglary I, Possess Meth
Additional: TAT LEFT ARM, "Kris", "Jesse", "Joshua"; SCAR BACK; SCAR ABDOMEN
Hundt, Crystal Amanda
WANTED: Hundt, Crystal Amanda
Date of birth: 4/18/1993
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 190
State ID #: 19310638
Sex: Female
Race: White
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Street alias: Angel
Charges: Fail to Appear, Unauthorized Use Vehicle, Identify Theft, Mail Theft
Additional: TAT LEFT WRIST, Raelynn; TATL RIGHT WRIST, Marijuana Leaf, Heart
Esparza, Javier
WANTED: Esparza, Javier
Date of birth: 5/17/1981
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 180
State ID #: 13649962
Sex: Male
Race: Hispanic
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Street alias: Jumpy
Charges: Assault II, Assault IV
Additional: TAT RIGHT FOAREARM, Drama Faces; TAT LEFT HAND, Y.CH; TAT LEFT FOREARM, Esparaza; TAT CHEST, Juan; TAT RIGHT LEG, Y.C.; TAT LEFT LEG, Natalia/Cuadras/Small face
Rodriguez, Jesse
WANTED: Rodriguez, Jesse
Date of birth: 6/13/1962
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 210
State ID #: 5790306
Sex: Male
Race: White
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Street alias:
Charges: Assault IV, Use Minor Drug Offense, Possess Meth, Burglary I
Additional: TAT LEFT UPPER ARM, Spiders, Eye, Cross, Grim Reaper; TAT HEAD; TAT LEFT ARM, Cross-on inside of arm; TAT BACK, Face; TAT RIGHT ARM, skull-on inside of arm; SCAR LEFT AND RIGHT HAND FINGER(S); ARTIFICIAL LEFT FOOT
Houk, Stephen
WANTED: Houk, Stephen
Date of birth: 5/14/1971
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 190
State ID #: 14556869
Sex: Male
Race: White
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Street alias:
Charge: Sodomy 1
Additional: TAT R SHLD; TAT RF ARM Cow skull
Reyes, Christian
WANTED: Reyes, Christian
Date of birth: 5/27/1990
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130
State ID #: 16839737
Sex: Male
Race: Hispanic
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Street alias:
Charge: Sex Abuse 2
Additional: TAT CHEST one life - above r-brst; TAT L HAND; TAT ABDOM
Yother, Billy
WANTED: Yother, Billy
Date of birth: 12/13/1974
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 170
State ID #: 11029182
Sex: Male
Race: White
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Street alias:
Charge: Sex Abuse 1